Here are some prayers to help you if you’re unsure about the Christian faith.
For Guidance to Truth
God, I don’t know how I feel about what I have heard today but I want to trust that you are good, that you are loving, and that you are just. I want to know if you are the true God. If you are there, would you guide my soul to the truest truth. I don’t want to be tricked or believe a lie. I don’t want to believe in something just to make me feel better. Please God, lead me to the truth.
Of Belief and Repentance
Jesus, I believe that you are who you say you are: the Son of God and the savior of broken people like me. I need forgiveness. I need to be made new and to start over again. I now turn away from all I have been doing. I turn away from my self-centered life. I turn my whole heart toward you. I believe that when you were crucified, you took all of my evil and somehow you gave me all of your beauty. I invite your Holy Spirit to live in me. I do not want to live for myself any more. I want you to lead my life. I want to know you and to receive your love for me. Please teach me and protect me and guide me. I am yours. I ask these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Of Doubt and Faith
God, I don’t really believe all of this, but there is a part of my heart that knows there is truth and goodness here. I am confused by the fact that there are so many things that I don’t understand or that make me angry about you. There are also so many things that fill my heart with hope and many things that draw me to you, and I want to put my trust in you. God, you say I can come to you and ask for anything, so if you are real, please give me the faith I need to believe. Give me the desire to continue to seek after you. Keep my heart from self-deception. Protect me from any evil misleading or binding spirits. Calm my fears. Soften my cynicism. Be patient with me, and if you are God, please don’t let me go, but instead let me know that you are real. I have a little faith, help me in my doubt.