“The Reformed system of doctrine is not just a device for ensuring orthodoxy. Rather, it becomes like a lens that helps us bring into focus the enthralling beauty of a loving God at the center of all that is. All other lesser beauties pale beside this one. It is a divine and supernatural light that illumines all other true beauties and shows them ultimately as exemplars of God’s love… Edwards himself would have said, it has compelling power in itself that the loving God uses to draw the underserving into the Trinitarian love at the center of reality. Those who recognize the perfect beauty of that love, as epitomized in the divine sacrifice for the underserving in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, cannot help but be drawn to it. They will love God and love what God loves, or all that is good. The vision of the beauty of that love is what was at the heart of Edwards’s life, and the dynamic motivating his many activities.”